Rostina graduated with an Industrial Engineering degree from Texas Tech University, after completing part of her study programme in Lousiana State University in USA. She was also conferred a Masters in Business Administration from Cranfield University in the United Kingdom. In 1988, she started her career in management consulting with PA Consulting Group specialising in productivity system design and implementation.
Three years later, upon the acquisition of a legal publishing company, the Malaysian Current Law Journal, Rostina focused full time on turning around the company and later with her technical knowledge concentrated on the development of Malaysia’s first internet-based legal library with the objective of delivering legal research in local case laws and legislation to judges, lawyers and academics worldwide. With the backing of a strong team of technical as well as legal editors, this venture has resulted in a market leader within the online legal library arena.
Currently, Rostina sits on the board of directors of the group of companies associated with CLJ Malaysia Sdn Bhd including CLJ Legal Network Sdn Bhd and Mylawbox Sdn Bhd.