The CLJ Unreported Series, formerly known as The Legal Network Series, widely known as LNS, is a compilation of cases from 1894 to date that CLJ has not published. These cases are generally not head-noted though some have abstracts and catchwords.
Our online database contains the most extensive collection of Malaysian cases, and new judgments are added to the database regularly. Significant and landmark court decisions received from the court in a digital format are usually uploaded by the Digital Solutions team within 24 hours of receipt.
EEffective 01 January 2024, the LNS citations are streamlined with the reported journals citations prefixes and are changed to as per the definitions below.
Definition of citations
CLJU (LNS 1) | Unreported cases from the Civil Courts. |
ILRU (LNS 2) | Unreported awards/cases from the Industrial Courts. |
SHRU (LNS 3) | Unreported cases from the Syariah Courts. |
SMCU (LNS 5) | Unreported cases from the Magistrates and Sessions Courts. |
CLJU(O) (LNS O) | Orders from the Federal Court and the Court of Appeal. |